Customer-Oriented Communication

This e-learning gives you concrete tips and tricks to make your communication with clients more effective and efficient.
You will learn techniques on how to give constructive feedback, how to deal with criticism or emotions, how to get a difficult message across and how to reach your goal in an assertive way.

Prijs per deelnemer

€ 89.00(Excl. BTW)

(levenslange toegang tot de cursus)

Start hier

Handling complaints and difficult conversations

The following topics are covered in this online course:

  • Leading a phone conversation instead of suffering it
  • Communicating precisely and clearly, so that what you meant is also what the other person understands
  • Increasing the time efficiency of a telephone conversation by asking the right questions
  • Strengthen your listening skills so you can better respond to what the customer wants
  • Types of difficult customers, how do you deal with them?

Watch the full programme here


Boeiende lessen

Interactieve video, ervaren sprekers, opdrachten en simulaties.


Altijd en overal

Onbeperkte toegang, op elk moment en elke plaats, via laptop, PC, mobiel of TV.



Na het vervolledigen van de cursus ontvangt u een certificaat van deelname.