Personal Development

Personal development, that means growing as a person and as a professional. You do this by further developing your knowledge, self-awareness, skills and talents.

Read tips and articles on personal development here so you can be stronger and more confident in life. Many people are supported by a coach in their personal development journey or you can also follow a workshop on personal development.


    3 essential skills in the workplace

    about Social skills, soft skills

    Personal skills often make the difference between success or failure in your job.  Professionals with excellent soft skill skills achieve desired results faster and more...

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    How to deal with difficult people?

    about Communication, moeilijke mensen

    Difficult people can be found in every organization. People who don't do their jobs as promised, people who don't show up to meetings, people who stick to their positions and...

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    Resilience in the workplace

    about self development, resilience

    For many, no day at work is the same. This brings variety, but also a lot of stress and uncertainty. Burn-outs can occur unexpectedly at any time in your career. However,...

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    Nonviolent communication

    about nonviolent communication

    How can you stand up for yourself in a connecting way? Communicate clearly and say what's on your mind while respecting the other person? Nonviolent communication is the key...

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