Emotional Intelligence

Here you will find articles and tips around emotional intelligence. How to better manage your own emotions and those of others. Humans are emotional beings. So it is important to pay attention to emotions and manage them intelligently. Some important characteristics of emotional intelligence are self-knowledge, empathy, positive attitude, resilience and strong social skills.

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    How to keep your emotions under control

    about Emotional intelligence, omgaan met emoties

    "Oh, the nerve! What is she thinking?" That annoying colleague has seriously irritated you, and you nearly boil with anger, to say the least. Or your heart is pounding with...

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    How to give emotionally intelligent feedback

    about feedback, Communication

    We all can benefit from feedback. The purpose of giving feedback is to improve a situation or to help others get better. And yet giving feedback is difficult because it often...

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    How emotionally intelligent are you?

    about Emotional intelligence

    People with highly developed EQ are generally more successful and efficient in their job. Mastering emotional skills contributes to a successful life. How emotionally...

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    How to connect better with others

    about body language, nonviolent communication

    Have you ever experienced this: you're in deep conversation with someone and suddenly you realize that you both have the same pose. Or you notice that you suddenly pick up...

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