E-learning with Expert Academy

E-learning provides the means and opportunities for responding quickly and effectively to the ever-changing training needs. In addition, the available training budget can be used more effectively. E-learning allows companies to respond to the training needs of its employees for developing new skills, ranchoring insights or refreshing knowledge.

"I want to say that the e-learning modules are really a great idea, really great to get familiar with the material before the training and to continue to work on it later.They are clear, well explained and fun. I really enjoyed that aspect too. "
Kevin Palacin - Actiris


Réussir son networking


Par ce manuel, nous aimerions vous montrer le beau côté du réseautage. Quand on y réfléchit, le networking est partout. C’est aller...

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Téléphoner et communiquer orienté client


Le premier contact entre le client et une organisation se fait souvent par téléphone. Comment faire en sorte que cette conversation se...

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Réussir sa vente et sa prospection


La magie de la vente consultative pour repérer et fidéliser vos clients. Dans ce manuel, nous plongeons le lecteur dans le monde...

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